On Saturday, I visited the White House with my family. President Obama was there and later left to go to Camp David we were told. As I walked through the White House and reflected on the journey our family had traveled from "PaPa's House" to Obama's House, I became concerned that President Obama was quickly losing his way.
He continues to be entangled in a war that is showing little results. 30 Navy Seals were killed over the weekend. The credit rating of USA was downgraded by S & P. Consumer spending is down and confidence in the economy is tanking. His speeches are failing to connect and inspire confidence in the people of America.
I was wondering what had happened and would he be able to turn the situation around. Then I read this article from the New York Times entitled, "What Happened to Obama?" Added to that article I read, "Hillary told you so." These articles are helping me reshape my opinion of President Obama and what I have concluded is that he is being too nice.
If there are forces opposing the advancement of people, "fight them." If the Tea Party is attempting to destroy your presidency, "crush them." If a minority group of Republicans are aggressively taking swings at you, "hit them back." Take the reminding year and a half of your history presidency to fight against all of the forces that are trying to prevent you from getting a second term. If you don't fight back, you surely will be a one term President and that would do us all no good.