My ministry colleagues overseas have studies. My American ministry
colleagues have offices. I choose to have a study because I am always learning
move about God and His people everyday.
I had a man visit my study today. He was released for
just one week from serving 19 years. He felt a need to repent and to repay for
the deeds he had done. His question is, "Where can he serve at-risk
youth?" As he described for me the prison culture behind the walls, I
became more acutely aware of how our young boys and girls are targeted to
become initiated into gang life. The attraction of our youth to gang life is an
evil cancer eating away at the fabric of our community. They are being
brutalized and traumatized into a decadent life-style for the pleasure of an
aggressive few who have limited options without the constant flow of youth
being supplied to them for the gangs culture to survive.
The passing of my
aunt has been sensitizing to me. Her passing reminds me to call the senior members of my
family and community periodically. You know what I mean, they don't email , text, or tweet. They communicate the old-fashioned
way by telephone. I called two senior persons today. One was a member of my family,
and the other was a member of my church. They didn't want to talk long. They
just wanted to know that I was thinking about them. Their joy became my joy. I
have promised myself to take the time to call senior members of my family and
community with regularity. It's my opportunity to learn and talk with people
who have a rare commodity in our day and time - wisdom.
The Youth of Union will lead the worship service. They are
examples of youth who are "reaching for the promise." They will be
joined in the service by the Furman L. Templeton Preparatory School Choir and
The Performing Arts School at Booker T. Washington. This will be an amazing day
were one will witness over 150 youths being actively involved in a worship
You should make your way to 1219 Druid Hill Avenue at 11:00 a.m. this Sunday, April 29th, and witness
a miracle.
What do you do on the morning after a life changing, spirit filled experience?
For many people, the morning after is a time of sorrow and
sadness, for believers it’s a time of rejoicing. "Weeping may endure for a
night, but joy does come in the morning." If after your experience, you do
not feel joy, then you were probably in a place you should not have been.
Place is defined
as a condition, as well as a position.
Where were you
yesterday, wherever that may have been, make this the best day of the rest of
your life?
I choose this day
to rejoice and enjoy the presence of the Lord, who is in this place.
"No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us." Romans 8: 37
In the arena of physical exercise, there is an enzyme called
adrenalin. Adrenalin is the extra energy provided by the body that permits it
to gain a needed burst of strength when it is necessary.
You might have
experience it when you were frightened, and you did something you wouldn't have
been able to do under normal circumstances.
In the spiritual realm
we also have a source of energy, which is the Holy Spirit of the living God.
It's an available source when needed to confront evil, disappointment, fatigue,
hopelessness, anger, or any attack by the demonic that is intended to deny,
deter or detain you from what God has in store for you.
That's why Paul could
list a series of areas that under normal circumstance would defeat you. He
emphatically affirms none of them or anything can defeat you because of the
love of God (adrenalin) that is available to you if you believe.
I believe the Holy
Spirit is available for you in all circumstances. I just need help sometimes
from my unbelief.
Nevertheless, I
believe we are; you are, and I am more than conquerors through Christ that
loves us and strengthens us.
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My sermon this morning is entitled, "You heard, You've seen, Now Go!
Each of us has a job to do which is embodied within Matthew 28: 18, "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit: teaching them to observe all thins whatsoever I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world, Amen."
God has called us to do the greater. We are great people. Let us arise and do great things for Him!
Just reflecting on some good times and good people that have
graced my journey. I happened to be in the Bahamas with Rev. Dr. Harold A. Carter, Sr. and
Rev. A.C. D. Vaughn.
They are amazing men of God and represent the best in
pastoring and preaching. Just to have the opportunity to share in their
presence was a blessing to me.
I believe you
should treasure the moments when you can interact and interview the leaders of
the faith; you will glean from them nuggets of truth that will carry
you a long way in life.
"Honor thy father and thy mother, as the Lord thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee." Deuteronomy 5: 16
Our family was blessed with persons who served as the maternal and
paternal images for our family. The Hathaway family has a strong extended
family that blended together because of the love shared by our forefathers and
As I reflect on
Mr. Charles A. Hathaway and Mrs. Reather P. Hathaway, I marveled at the long-term
relationship they shared. Through the vicissitudes of life, they remained
steadfast and unmovable in their love for God. They exhibited a value system
that had at its core a moral integrity, social dignity, a love for family, and
spiritual tenacity.
The baton is being
passed to our generation. We are fortunate to have had outstanding Christian
ancestors who showed us the way through their living.
“A family that prays together, stays together.”
" O death, where is they sting? O grave, where is thy victory? ... But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."
This morning my
aunt, Reather P. Hathaway, made her transition to glory. She truly was a
wonderful and marvelous aunt. So many times I would stop by her house, and
immediately the moment became a feast of food and love. Her counsel was wise
and necessary to help me navigate through the various stages in life I faced. Never judgmental, she was praying for the best in you. She was a teacher
by vocation, but an angel by avocation. She reflected the beauty of the God she served.
I'm so thankful to God for allowing her to be a positive influence on my life
during my development period. Aunt Reather will be missed, but always
treasured. She taught us how to live. She taught us how to love. She taught us
how to serve. She taught us how to die. And, she taught us that the victory is
found in Christ Jesus.
Glimpse into my study were you see a portion of my library and
prayer altar; both items were made by craftsmen for me. Everyone needs a secret
closet, a place of study and prayer. Yesterday was a marvelous birthday; it
reminds me of the fact, that there are so many wonderful people in the world. I
love and respect each of you. Time and relationships are so precious. I take
neither lightly.
My meditative word
is found in John 12:31, "We would like to see Jesus."
At the core of
life's journey one needs a desire and a goal, for me, it's to see Jesus in
life, in others and in myself.
Be blessed and
enjoy the blessing's God gives to you everyday!
Today I celebrate
another season of life in God's great universe. I am thankful to everyone who
has given me expressions and greetings of warm welcome. It is very good to know
one does not live in the world alone. Each of you have influenced me and impacted
me in a very positive way. I'm thankful for the opportunity to serve within the
community of my birth and witness the 160th year anniversary of Union Baptist Church .
The past few months have been a world
wind of activity. I have gone from the White House to Morehouse. I have been in
the presence of President Barack Obama, and in the shadow of the image of The
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
God can do amazing things within your time and
space. I'm thankful and appreciate each moment, He has granted to me. Even
at this stage of life, I've learned the vastness of God's love and the ability
to love without conditions.
I'm surrounded by a cadre of colleagues who are
amazing and brilliant. I’m enveloped within a family, nuclear and extended, who
pray together and stay together. I have an amazing group of friends who stick
closer than a brother or a sister. In the final analysis, I can say without any
fear of contradiction, "I am truly blessed."
"So that his hands remained steady till sunset." Exodus 17:12
On examining the
relationship between Moses and Joshua you learn an interesting fact: Joshua
never tired of fighting. Moses needed help praying. Both were necessary to
defeat the enemy. What is the key to note is that it is much easier to fight
with sin in public than to pray against it in private? Spiritual disciple is
difficult to maintain because we are flesh and blood. Nevertheless, we must
continue in the discipline of prayer until the evening of life is over. I pray
your hands remain steady until then!
The Youth of Union gather on Easter Sunday. They are preparing for April 29th "Promise Heights" Sunday. They will join in worship with youth from the community as we "reach for the promise."
Each youth on this picture is endowed with tremendous gifts and talents that only could come from God.
Our job is to train, nurture, protect, and provide them with the best quality of life so they may blossom into the gift God intends.
Each youth on this picture is endowed with tremendous gifts and talents that only could come from God.
Our job is to train, nurture, protect, and provide them with the best quality of life so they may blossom into the gift God intends.
A brother asked me if I had a suit to give him because he wanted
to come to church. I gave him two suits, two shirts, and two ties to match. I
looked up one Sunday and the brother was in church.
After preaching I opened
the doors of the church and extended the invitation to come to Jesus Christ.
That same brother walked boldly down the aisle and joined the church. Today we
will baptized four persons and give the Right Hand of Fellowship to five. He
will be one of the five who will receive the Right Hand of Fellowship.
Jesus Christ is
alive and He lives within you!
Today's Message is
entitled, "The Power of a Risen Savior!"
"he riseth from supper, and laid aside his garments; and took a towel, and girded himself." John 13:4
This evening at Pennsylvania Avenue A.M.E. Zion Church, 1128 Pennsylvania Avenue. The Ministry and Members of three churches: Douglas Memorial Community Church, Pennsylvania Avenue A.M.E. Zion Church and Union Baptist Church will join together in a foot washing service beginning at 7:00 p.m. I am honored to preach from the above text, a sermon entitled, "The Power of a Towel."
This evening at Pennsylvania Avenue A.M.E. Zion Church, 1128 Pennsylvania Avenue. The Ministry and Members of three churches: Douglas Memorial Community Church, Pennsylvania Avenue A.M.E. Zion Church and Union Baptist Church will join together in a foot washing service beginning at 7:00 p.m. I am honored to preach from the above text, a sermon entitled, "The Power of a Towel."
"They ... put the cross on him and made him carry it behind Jesus." Luke 23:26
A deeper
observation of this text reveals that Simon is not carrying his cross, but the
cross of Jesus Christ. When you carry the Cross of Jesus, he gives you the
strength to endure it. Why, because you
carry the cross after Him. The path you walk is marked by the footprints of
Jesus. He always goes before you as an example of how you should live your
life. Furthermore, you bear the cross in partnership with Jesus. Jesus still
carries the heavier portion, while you assist by carrying the lighter portion.
You are working with Jesus in partnership. Finally, in bearing the cross of
Jesus it is just for a little while, but it gives you lasting honor. Yes, in
carrying the cross of Jesus, he gives you strength to endure it because you are
in partnership with Him to carry his cross for a little while.
"It is time to seek the Lord." Hosea 10:12
This month of April is said to derive its name from the Latin verb aperio, which signifies to open because all the buds and blossoms
are now opening, and we have arrived at the door of the flowery season.
It is also time to
open your hearts, minds and spirits to the reality of the Living God. It is
time to seek the Lord. It is time to change from your dormant state
to your prospering state by allowing the sunshine and rain of God's
presence drench your life.
Seek the Lord
while He may be found, call on Him while He is near!
I praise God for
the three souls who came forth on Palm Sunday to accept Jesus Christ and to
become baptized into the faith. On Easter Sunday, we will baptize four persons,
and one person will join based on their Christian Experience.
The Kingdom
is expanding throughout the world because people are seeking God.