Friday $6M, Saturday $8.7M, Weekend $19M

"A man that hath a friend must show himself friendly." Proverbs 24:18
I had a pleasant
surprise this morning as I watched morning television prior to going to church.
There was a segment on the morning show describing the work of the Dale
Carnegie Training. It is estimated they have trained over 8 million
people around the world with their techniques for "Winning Friends and
Influencing People." This is their 100 year anniversary. How marvelous to
think that an idea would be so powerful and a man's concept would be so well
received. Adding to the joy of watching the segment was the interview with its
President, Mr. Peter Handel. He does epitomize the philosophy of his
organization. He is an astute businessman with a compassionate heart for
service. I'm proud to call him and his wife my friends.