10 Things I Believe About the Church

1. I believe the potential for the local church to do good and create positive change in the world is greater than it has ever been.
2. I believe that the ROOT of the desire to do good and create positive change in the world HAS to be the GOSPEL…and if it isn’t, what will develop is cool ministry fads and ideas…but nothing revolutionary that will impact the world.
3. I believe that some of the greatest Christian leaders that the world will ever know are currently in elementary school, middle school, and high school…thus making youth and children’s ministry one of the greatest mission opportunities that the local church can invest in.
4. I believe that more and more church leaders are going to begin to take radical steps of faith rather than trying to repair broken systems.
5. I believe that more and more church leaders are going to continually put personal preferences of ministry aside and work together with other people to accomplish more ministry than they could have ever done alone.
6. I believe that we’re going to see some of the greatest moves of God this world has ever seen in the next 20 years…MOST of them happening because the local church finally decided to step up and be the church.
7. I believe God wants to use your church to do unbelievable things in the community in which HE has planted you.
8. I believe the key to a healthy church is healthy church leadership…leaders cannot fly at the speed of sound and expect to hear God’s still small voice. The healthier we get, the healthier our churches can be.
9. I believe that if ALL leaders took the advice God gave us in Galatians 6:9 that we would see breakthroughs like we’ve NEVER seen before.
10. I believe God has called the church to CHANGE the world…not complain about it!!! We are an empowered body of believers whom He has called to attempt the “impossible” so that people can see HIM!!! (So…what is that thing that you know you should do next?)