Over the past year I have focused significant time and attention upon the issue of job creation and job training. Severely lacking on a local level is the sense of urgency about this matter. While periodically job fairs are sponsored, there seems to be a disconnect between those persons who desperately need a job and the opportunities that are swirling around someplace in the air.
There appears to be a lack of coordination between DLLR and MOED and the various intake centers situated throughout the community.
It is time to focus concentrated attention on job placement and job retention on the part of the "system." There is the need for those persons looking for jobs to realize that in this economy you have to start somewhere and that where you start is not necessarily where you will end up. Hard work is still in order. Discipline at the workplace is still required.
I'm listening intently to our local political officials who are seeking either reelection or election for there plan to address the issue of jobs: job training, job placement and job retention. The person(s) who addresses that issue with clarity will earn my vote.